Monday, April 18, 2016

Final Full Week

Carissimi Amici e Famiglia,

This will be my last general email as a missionary... Next Monday I turn in my iPad and the next morning I fly out of Rome for New York, then Salt Lake, and then Lewiston.  I should arrive at about 10:15 California time.  One more week to go!!!

This last week went really well.  Work wise we went all over the place.  We went to Maddaloni, Ruviano, Caiazzo, Gricignano (American base), and Santa Maria a Vico.  We got fed well this week.  Friday was the traditional Italian meal with lots of courses.  Saturday was Romanian food, very good.  And Sunday we had a lunch in church and my comp made some bomb garlic mashed potatoes that even a some month old baby ate.  I also ate a pizza with some piglet sausage on it and some cannoli were gifted to us as we preached about the restoration on Main Street.  We had some good lessons and made contact with some less actives and part member families.  One investigator asked how warm the water was for baptisms in our church and another said he had to really think well if he wants to get baptized.  Our recently baptized friend has already experienced to guidance of the Holy Ghost.  I look forward to finishing it out strong this week in Caserta until Saturday when I will take a train to Napoli and then to Rome to pass my last weekend as a missionary in Italy.  Oh and we also went to a Chinese buffet in Napoli next to a sweet castle.  The sushi was on point.

Have a great week.
Anziano Blazzard

The pictures are of the amphitheater in Santa Maria Capua Vetere and also the remnants of the walls of the old amphitheater.  Gladiators used to fight and train there.  Pretty sweet.

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